I started my fake tattoo reminder, but I still had four cookies with my morning coffee. I had a soft pretzel for lunch at the theater. Not such a great thing. However, laughter is the best medicine. Actually there is science that proves that laughter is good for you. Laughter definitely helps me deal with depression. Jovial moods can only start with some laughter. Being bipolar, I must find things to fight depression. And gaining weight really depresses me and then I eat more comfort food which makes me hungry and... you get the idea.
So, my defense starts with exercise and a good diet. In addition, writing on the Positano book, painting with acrylics, and volunteering at the museum help. Probably the single thing that brings me the most pleasure and laughter is playing with baby Rylan. She may be my cousin's baby, but we already have a special relationship. When I come into the room I beam and she beams and watches me with a huge smile until I leave the room. Actually, sometimes I poke my head back in the room and she's still watching for me. We giggle a lot. Regardless of where we move or whatever changes in our lives, that baby is a little bit ours. More than a practice grand daughter, she is truly and deeply loved by Cheri and I. But she loves me the most :-)
This afternoon Cheri was looking a little lazy so I got her out of the house to go see the movie "Date Night." Carrol and Fey are way too funny. I was laughing or at least smiling through the whole movie. I laughed a lot this weekend and that is why it was a great weekend. I'm looking forward to writing and painting this week. Right now I even enjoy housework. Especially when no one else is home. The more things you do to keep your mind healthy the better you are able to handle blips. Happiness leads to more happy health which allows you to lose weight. Everything is relevant.
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