
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday November 22nd, 2009 - Ditto

I am having a real hard time losing weight right now. I'm trying to take it one day at a time. I didn't touch the scale for several days to see if I could surprise myself. I had forgotten one important aspect of my weight loss success routine and that is to get to bed on time. This week will be a particular challenge because all of my boys are on Thanksgiving break.

I enjoy my space during the week. It allows me to work online without interference. I will be looking forward to the gym this week. And, of course, Thanksgiving. It will be my first vegan holiday. I'm not a huge fan of turkey anyway so it will probably not be that hard. Things cooked with butter maybe a challenge. I just hope my extended family doesn't try to make me vegan dishes. It's okay if my wife does, but I don't want to have to eat someone's vegan experiment. Just serve me veggies and salad, thank you. Maybe this will also be the first year I don't overeat on Thanksgiving.

I DID make it to the gym this morning before the football games. I was still feeling guilty about missing the gym on Friday so I did another double run at the "oh Mama" trail. I think the elevation indicator looks like someone having a heart attack. Way up; way down and everything in between. Yes, that's appropriate, a heart attack EKG. I also worked on as many weight machines as I could before the start of the Colts game. Today was great as far as calories are concerned. One day at a time.

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