
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27th, 2009 - Stranded

My car is in the shop and I felt like I was stranded today, but I really had nowhere to go except for the gym. All I did was work around the house and puppy sit. My cousin has the most aggressive little dog. She's worse than a baby. She chews on everything all the time including our dog Tatum who is the best behaved dog on the planet. I don't know how Tatum puts up with it. Someday she's going to snap and bite that little @$#%. I jest; "Lelanie" can also be the cutest little puppy... when she's asleep!

I should have taken the dogs for a walk, but I wasn't sure if Lelanie would just take off on me. Tonight there is a winter storm warning for Jefferson County Colorado until Thursday 6pm. We should get 8-12 inches tonight. This is the normal start of the snow season. Just before Halloween. We shall see if going to the gym is a good idea tomorrow. However, walking through snow is good exercise. Try something everyday!

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